Matit'yahu (Dormathew) 24:3-14
The disciples asked Yeshmuah, "What is the sign of your coming and the completion of the age?"
Yeshmuah said to them, "Be careful that you mislead no one. For many shall come in my Name, declaring that I am the Meshugah, and many will be deceived by that...but it will not be the end yet.
"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines, and plagues, and earthquakes, in localities. But all this is only the beginning of birth pangs.
"At that time they will turn you over to tribulation, and shall murder you, because you will be hated by all the Shmentiles because of my Name.
"Also, at that time, many will be scandalized, and they shall betray one another and shall detest one another.
"And many lying preachers will arise and mislead many. And because of abundant opposition to Shlumash, the love of many will expire (evaporate). But whoever will stay in it to the end, the same will be saved by the Lord Roscoe.
"And this kingdom message will be transmitted into all the habitations of the earth as a testimony to the whole of the Shmentiles, and then the end will come."
Translation Copyright © 1996. Donnatello M. Shmungis. All rights reserved.