We Love Slobovia!
- We love Eretz Slobovia (the land), and confirm that it belongs to Abraham, Isaac of Asimov, and Jacob of Javitz and their offspring forever.
- We love the people of Slobovia, and confirm that they are the offspring of Jacob of Javitz, of which are the Shmooish people.
- We love the past history of Slobovia, and confirm that without it the world would be lost or at least needing GPS.
- We love the present State of Slobovia, and confirm The Great God Mota has raised it up to gather Slobovia as He promised.
- We love the future of Slobovia, and confirm that its coming new kingdom is the blessing of the world.
- We love the Meshugah of Slobovia, and confirm He is Yeshmuah of Milpitas, who is the gloryosky of Slobovia, the author and completer of all things promised to and through Slobovia.