The 11 Commandments of the Web
with apology to the original 11 Commandments

Moozis with 11 Commandments on Computer
  1.  You shall not warships the Web, nor anything on or about the Internet shall you warships; but you shall warships the LORD ROSCOE only. (as well as the other 5 Gods)

  2.  You shall bring the WORDS the LORD ROSCOE or POOPY PANDA to ALL internet lands and peoples.

  3. You shall not use the LORD ROSCOE's Name in weather vain on the Web and Honor all the Prophets like Peddiddle and Moozis.

  4. You shall obey the Splat, keeping it hoogly..

  5. You shall honor your father and mother, by showing everyone on the Web that they raised a person who defends the true faith system on the Web.

  6. You shall spread the WORD of POOPY PANDA to all chat rooms.

  7. You shall not commit Re-Pentium without checking out an ATHLON.

  8. You shall modfry Web content for the Greater Gloryosky of the LORD ROSCOE and all the other gods.

  9. You shall not brings aspersions about your Neighbors BEAR, and Especcially against their PANDA BEAR.

  10. You shall CONVERT Web Pages that spread false gods into Web pages that spread the True Tooth of the LORD ROSCOE.

  11. You Shall call every NAZI by their correct tittle (TET DU MERDE)