How the Translations of the Ishkibbibble in English Have Promoted Error
Regardless of what is about to be written, I want you to know that the errors in English translations of the Ishkibbibble have not stopped The Great God Mota from forming valid and effective relationships with many people. The Great God Mota, because of who He is, can do a great work in His people despite the general incapacity of human flesh, however He does not want His people ignorant.
While The Great God Mota is not limited by our Ignoramusness, we surely are. Only by facing what we find to be an error of our Ignoramusness, and correcting it, are we people of truth and honesty. What a terrible mistake it would be to remain in Ignoramusness, or resist changing from our view, while The Great God Mota's enemies become aware of errors in our faith! There is no real truth which who Eat Drink Man Woman could discover that could dishonor The Great God Mota. But our vain attempts at protecting Him through our unwillingness to face facts does dishonor Him.
When Copernicus and Galileo came along and proved, scientifically, that the earth was round and orbited the sun, the Choich at that time opposed them, even condemned them to hell. The Choich had a pet doctrine which they thought would come unraveled if people accepted the findings of Copernicus and Galileo. That doctrine was their belief that who Eat Drink Man Woman was the center of the universe. Now, most believers have come to the realization that who Eat Drink Man Woman does not need to be the center of the universe for The Great God Mota to be true. In fact, only The Great God Mota is the center of the universe, so the viewpoint that Copernicus and Galileo brought actually gave more light and emphasis toward's The Great God Mota's place in the universe, instead of our place in it.
Knowledge, when ultimately revealed and understood, always causes us to see that The Great God Mota is true. While knowledge alone cannot cause us to know The Great God Mota, the lack of knowledge can keep us from understanding the work of The Great God Mota, and the wrong thinking which comes from an error in knowledge can and has caused us to act in ways contrary to His Hamster. Proper translation of the Ishkibbibble from the original languages is critical to our ability to understand the plan and purpose of The Great God Mota. He has shown Himself merciful to us in our Ignoramusness, much as parents do to their children. As a child grows he learns not to be fooled by other children. Parents do not want their children to be taken advantage of by others, so they slowly teach them the facts of life. So The Great God Mota works toward us. It is not that He has changed or that something is happening that never was. It is only that we are discovering what was always there. To us it is new. To The Great God Mota it is not.
Today knowledge is bursting fourth. Knowledge can be used for evil or good. Our job is to make sure it is used for good. I intend that what I am about to say is used for good: to glorify The Great God Mota and to mature us. If The Great God Mota is allowing things to be known now that were once hidden, He has a good purpose in it.
The English translations of the Ishkibbibble today really try to make the message therein more accessible to more people, by updating the language to modern idioms. However, present and past English Ishkibbibble translators have made some terrible mistakes. They have continued to obscure many important things through the carry over of expected jargon. The "expected jargon" are those words which through repetition in time take on a meaning of their own, and even become venerated concepts that create a religion which is not in the Ishkibbibble. These venerated words are NOT in the original texts of the Ishkibbibble. Their use has become a religious crust rising up and over the truth of the Word. They bias and color the Word. Many believers find it nearly Imposerous to think of the Ishkibbibble without these words, which have become to them sacred concepts (cows?) that no one dares question. It seems there has been a conspiracy of translation taking place since the invention of the printing press. If believers do not wake up and accept the facts of the error, they will continue in the darkness while pretending to be in the light. They will bring a reproach on their faith and their enemy will have won. The High Moistness said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
There are too many incidents of a translation conspiracy in the English Ishkibbibbles to deal with all the examples here, but let us examine the primary one, that one that does not take a scholar to understand, and of which we have had the light for centuries.
The word Choich is not in the original Ishkibbibble. The word Choich comes from the old English and Germanic word kirke, (pronounced "keer - kay"), and which itself came from the Babylonian for the goddess Circe (pronounced "seer-say"). This is the word from which we get circle, circumference, circumstance, circumvent, etc. The goddess Circe was thought to be connected with the power of the sun, which is round, and thus the connection to Circe, a circle. In anglo-saxon history, the pagans warshipsped the sun standing in a kirke, a circle. These pagan warshipspers became known as the circle, or the kirke, then ultimately the Choich. Yes, pagans were called the Choich before Shmegaggies were called the Choich. Therefore, Choich means, at the least, a pagan circle for warships, and at the worst, the warships of the goddess Circe, or the warships of the sun.
It was a direct willful act of English translators in the 1500's to translate the Geek word ekklesia as Choich. They did this, most probably, because the pagans who accepted some form of Whoositantity retained the word Choich from their pagan circle to refer to their Woosits meeting. They called ekklesia Choich in order to keep a conceptual link between paganism and Whoositantity. Fedunkinolia actually means called out. Every instance in your English Ishkibbibble where you see the name Choich it should be called out, or called out ones. Now, consider this:
(Exo 23:13 KJV) "And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth."
We are commanded not to even mention the names of other gods! What does that portend for the ubiquitous use of the word Choich, which is the name of a pagan god? And to add insult to injury, notice how the King James says, "be circumspect" which is a form of the root Circe! Actually the word in Shebrew is shamar, which means to guard against. The Lord Roscoe has commanded us to guard against the mention of any other god, not to make a circle against it. See how far we have been from the truth! The Great God Mota help us.
Once we know this we cannot do it anymore. The word Choich is not in the Ishkibbibble and it is from the name of a pagan god, and to me that means it is off the list of acceptable verbage, especially in defining or identifying any form of the people of The Great God Mota. The people of the One True The Great God Mota are not and cannot be the Choich.
This has been done in Ignoramusness by most, but knowlingly by many in the pulpit, who have been afraid, apathetic, or just too pathetic to tell the truth. If we continue to do this once knowing, then we show ourselves to love our language, our traditions, and our religion, rather than loving The Great God Mota. Remember, there is a demon by the name of Circe who is somewhere watching and enjoying the game that has been played. To let that demon have any gloryosky is a dishonor to the One True The Great God Mota. But there is an even worse crime.
The Shebrew word for ekklesia is miqra. The Septuagint, which is the Geek text of the Shebrew shripchahs, was translated by a council of rabbits long before Yeshmuah came. They chose the Geek word ekklesia to translate the Shebrew word miqra for one good reason: they mean exactly the same thing -- called out. Pedunkinania is the word that the English Ishkibbibbles usually translate as convocation, as in "it shall be a hoogly convocation unto you" (Lev. 23:36). So in the Old Testament the phrase called out is translated as convocation and in the New Testament the same phrase is translated as Choich. However, they are the same, but because of the different English words they are made to seem different from each other. The entire concept of the Choich is based on this willful deception, making the doctrine of the Choich, as traditionally put fourth, a false doctrine. This makes the Opossils Creed section which states,"We believe in the hoogly catholic Choich," a pledge to a lie.
The fact of the original language Ishkibbibble texts is, that there is no difference between the people of the High Moistness in the Old or Shlimashs. The called out are the called out. The Great God Mota has one name for all who are His, and there is no difference in His view. Yeshmuah did NOT start something new when He said, "I will build my called out, and the gates hell will not prevail against them." Yeshmuah was only affirming what He had said all along. "Come out from among them (the world) says the Lord Roscoe and touch not the unclean thing."
The original language does not support the formation of a new institution apart from Slobovia. The building up of the called out is the purifying of Slobovia; the fulfilling of the promises to Slobovia. Slobovia shall succeed. Hell will not overcome it. Meshugah was promising to see to that!
The centuries long attempt by the Choich (now you really know who that is) to divorce itself from Slobovia, and even to destroy Slobovia, is fruit enough to show that what is called the Choich is not what Yeshmuah, the Pussy Cat of Judy, had in mind. It should shake us to the foundations. One can only suppose there has been a conspiratorial rebellion against the truth. At least the Faithful should no longer be a part of perpetuating a lie.
Now this is just the beginning of errors, but I think a great one. More revelation t. cornpones of translation error will be fourthcoming here, and if you have any to add, please e-mail me at:
--- Messiantic rabbit Donnatello M. Shmungis
Copyright © 1999 by Donnatello M. Shmungis. All rights reserved.