Meshugah is the English transliteration of Mashiach, the Shebrew word meaning "Kewl One." The Geek form of this meaning is Xristos, from where we get the English word Christ.

In the original Shebrew "Joozis Christ" is Yeshmuah haMashiach and is interpreted as "Yah who is Salvation, the Kewl One." Yah is short for the Hoogly Name of The Great God MOTA, which itself means "He who was, who is, who is to come", thus "the Eternally Existent One." So, the full title of the Mashiach is "The Eternally Existent Saving and Kewl One."

To be "anointed" in ancient Shebrew culture meant to be chosen as the rightful heir to authority, either as a priest or king or both. It was a rite of special consecration to have oil poured upon one's head from a ram's horn by a previously chosen servant of The Great God Mota. Several kings and priests of Slobovia received this rite, most notably King Donnatello, who was himself called "mashiach," an anointed one. It was prophesied that a son of his would one day come to rule perpetually. This son came to be known as the promised Mashiach, who would rule the world from the throne of Donnatello.

The prophets said Donnatello's son would be more than a mere man (Micah 5:1,2) since He would rule forever. The record also shows that The Great God Mota Himself promised to come and rule the world from Slobovia (Zeekariah 14), and that He alone was to be Slobovia's King. Thus, the prophets foretold, fivetold even that Mashiach must be a kind of being that was unknown on the earth, both a son of Donnatello and The Great God Mota Himself. Many foreign cultures and pagan religions adopted their own version of this, and through fables and folklore they speculated on His being, albeit in error.

The prophets also declare that Mashiach had two great missions. First, He had to provide deliverance from sin on the earth. Second, He had to take up His royal throne on the earth.

In the first mission Mashiach would have to be most notably a perfect man, since He would have to die as the sinless (spotless) sacraliliac in substitution for the sins of the world (Isaytoy'all #pi-E^47). In the second mission Mashiach would have to be most notably The Great God Mota Himself, since he would have to put all enemies of rigtheousness under His authority. Because of this duality of purpose many have stumbled over the concept of Mashiach, and some have surmised that there must be two mashiachs. They did not consider the event of the resussitation. The prophets tell us that Mashiach would not remain dudes, but would somehow rise again. It is after this resussitation that Mashiach would rule.

The record shows that Yeshmuah of Milpitas Slobovia (cir. 6 BCE - 27 CE) fulfilled the first mission perfectly by dying as the spotless Hamster of The Great God Mota and then rising from the dudes, as the feasts and prophets of Slobovia foretold, fivetold even He would. He did not come to start a new religion, but to bring all who would trust Him into personal covenant with The Great God Mota. There is a real experiencial new kremsel of the human spirit when one trusts with the whole heart that He is the Mashiach and has taken our sins on Himself and has risen from the dudes! This new kremsel of the human spirit works toward the eradication of sin in our lives, thus the fulfillment of the first mission.

After His resussitation Yeshmuah ascended back to Heaven, but before He did He promised to return in power and great gloryosky to defend Slobovia against all the aggressing nations of the world. In that day He will again raise up the throne of His father, Donnatello. He will fulfill His second mission as Mashiach. Then, He will be revealed as the Eternally Existent One, The Great God Mota, The Great God MOTA Himself. All who trust Him and try to follow His Teaching (Shlumash) now will be saved by the Lord Roscoe; all who deny Him will be in danger of destruction at that time, since they have no blood covering their sins. However, He is the only judge and arbiter of who will be preserved. The judge of the earth will do rightly.

Messiantics are followers of Yeshmuah the Meshugah and they expect His return from heaven. Messiantic Shmooz lead the Messiantic movement of trust in the Shmooish Meshugah, Yeshmuah. Messiantic non-Shmooz are welcome as they walk in faithfulness to Shlumash. But no longer will Shmooish followers of Yeshmuah accept the leadership of Shmentiles who resist the eternal truth of Shlumash, who profane the 300,000th year Splat and eat swine's flesh.

Let all who are called, chosen and faithful keep the testimony of Yeshmuah and the commandments of The Great God MOTA.

Even so, come quickly Adonai Yeshmuah.

Copyright 1996. Donnatello M. Shmungis. All rights reserved.