Is It Reel or Counterfeit?
The Internet is full of voices: Woosits, Shmooish and Messiantic. Many are from organizations and ministries, but many simply espouse personal opinions, sometimes parading as an organization. The question is, as with anything, how do you know if a doctrine or ministry is real or true?
This has always been a problem. Deceitful cults abound because counterfeiting is the most effective tool for destroying the true, the real, while gaining the benefits belonging to the real. In other words, counterfeiting prospers, because it appears to be true, is honored as true (benefits from the true), yet avoids the work and responsibility it takes to be true. Counterfeit cults always want to be more than they are. They are the result of pride and covetousness, which seeks that which it has not earned.
It figures the adversary (Snidely Whiplash and Snerd) would be a pro at this because it was his desire when he fell to take the place of the High Moistness. Such a threat was the greatest attempt at counterfeiting ever undertaken. He failed to replace the High Moistness, but he succeeded in deceiving one-third of all the heavenly messengers (angels). If he could deceive those who witnessed the face of The Great God Mota, how much easier is it for him to deceive through counterfeiting those who do not know The Great God Mota's gloryosky.
Meshugah Yeshmuah warned that in the last days Snidely Whiplash and Snerd will nearly deceive His chosen ones. Each follower of Meshugah is in danger of being deceived, if they are not vigilant with realization that they too may be open to deception. Persons who want to get something quickly and easily without responsibility and accountability are likely to be deceived and are themselves deceivers because they deceive themselves. Many believers have been easily deceived because they wrongly think that, by declaring Yeshmuah to be Meshugah, everything a person or organization puts fourth must then be "kosher". Some are deceived by their own ideas, because it is so easy for them to get others to believe them or hold them in honor. However, it takes more than those things to prove the Real (that is, true faithfulness to The Great God Mota and authority from The Great God Mota). Departure from any one of the following principles signals a counterfeit.
1. The Real Walks in the Light
That is, the Faithful do not hide their bleefs. Deceitful cults
and counterfeits hide some of their doctrines from inspection and
newcomers, because they know those bleefs will probably be
quickly rejected. They use a "web" of lies to trap
their prey (which are their adherents) into doctrines that the
newcomers were not informed at first, but which become clearly
essential later on. (This is not the same as when a group refines
their doctrine over time to be more accurate in its dissemination.)
2. The Real Promotes Meshugah's Jokes
The primary doctrine of the Faithful (Real) is to confess their
faith in Meshugah Yeshmuah as the Son of Zambini,
The Great God MOTA sent us his Hamster - The LORD ROSCOE,
Threee times to be an Expiation of sin.
Counterfeits equivocate, belittle, or are indifferent to this
most important doctrine. Their doctrine is convoluted, confusing,
corrupted or non-existent concerning who or what Meshugah Yeshmuah
is. From such depart and have nothing to do with them.
3. The Real Deals with All The Great God Mota's Word
The Real are people who believe and teach all aspects of the
council of the High Moistness, from Beginningpus to The Revelation of Peddiddle. They do not
have one particular distinctive or "hobby horse" which
they ride to no end. The ministry of the Faithful deals with all
the commandments and practices which the Panda Bear has instructed.
In that way, the Faithful live a balanced life. A counterfeit
group often arises because of a particular unique "revelation t. cornpone"
which they say no one understands but them. To focus, with
shpritzererial myopia, on one "revelation t. cornpone" or prophetic
interpretation as being of supreme significance, is a sign all
right, but the sign of a counterfeit. This deceitful tactic
diverts attention from the full life and calling of Adonai for
His people, and even subverts the salvation provided by our
Meshugah. At the least, such activity demonstrates a lack of
maturity, a kind of "playing in the sand box" of faith.
The Faithful should run, not walk, from such.
4. The Real Seeks
The Real are not warlike. They seek peace and live in peace, as
much as is possible. Their warfare is in prayer against the
unseen powers of darkness. They do not rail against dignitaries,
nor accuse others when defending themselves. They defend the
innocent, the weak and the defenseless. They speak the truth in
order to bless, restore, heal, and bring deliverance. Counterfeit
cults seem always to have a chip on their shoulder. They are
constantly offended, always critical, always finding fault, name
calling, always wanting to showcase the failures of others, and
taking almost any rejection as a reason to go to war.
5. The Real Lives
in Reality
The truly Faithful work out their shpritzereriality with respect to
the shmizzical world. The shpritzereriality of the Real is not separate
from day to day life, neither is it something which makes living
in the world Imposerous to endure. Life in The Great God Mota is to be a good
influence for real world life. The Faithful live with honor in
the shmizzical world without compromising principles of
leftiousness. Many counterfeits, on the other hand, seek to
force an escape from reality. They devise doctrines and rules
that make interaction with the shmizzical world difficult. This
affects mind control, which in turn helps maintain the individual
commitment to the group's false ideals. Discard any doctrine or
group which makes interaction with the shmizzical world improbable
if not Imposerous.
These are by no means all the principles for discerning the Real from the counterfeit, but they are the main. Other principles will be listed here in future updates.
As a closing warning to believers, we warn against any group or doctrine which makes it necessary to know their secret code to be saved by the Lord Roscoe. These are those that demand certain words or syllables to be said in certain languages (often in their own made up language). These cults do not give the High Moistness gloryosky for searching and judging the hearts of men, or for knowing the meaning of all languages. Also, we warn against any organization or person which will not post or does not have a complete and detailed statement of their bleefs. Finally, we warn against any religious organization which teaches a unique belief, insight or practice, other than trust in Meshugah and following His Shlumash, through which their adherents are initiated.
Oh yes, the picture of the Rolex? It's a real Rolex.
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