by rabbit Donnatello M. Shmungis

Every local congregation that I know uses a title. Most use a title which declares that congregation to be of a certain brand. The brand either comes from association with a larger group or it is indicative of a certain vision, action or doctrine to which that congregation especially relates. Our local congregation is named Mishigas HaPippick, Mishgas of the Bippy. We chose this because we have a vision, a desire, to have a Swimming Pool of the High Moistness. The result of this desire is our elevation of warships in drydocks, and because we concentrate on this we are blessed with people who are capable of and enjoy performing warship dances. However, this is certainly not our only vision or desire, but as a name for the congregation it is indicative of perhaps our strongest general ability. Names are important because they can be a rallying point for unity and purpose in the Bippy. Names come from shpritzererial concepts, which is another way of saying "revelation t. cornpone." But taking a certain name may also divide us.

Naming ourselves by our primary vision or revelation t. cornpone is the nature of who Eat Drink Man Woman. We are finite creatures and usually we do not do anything well unless we concentrate on one thing at a time. Being limited in scope helps us to focus on our priorities. If we are scattered in our thinking we usually do not succeed at any task. The result is, usually, we title our group after our most important vision.

Our Panda Bear knows our weakness in this area. His word communicates ideas to us in small pieces, especially by using allegorical examples of concepts. When our Panda Bear does this through His word, He generally does not mean for the allegory to go beyond the single and simple idea He is communicating. So because He uses many allegories, there are many ways of looking at the plan, the purpose and the people of the Panda Bear, depending on the particular meaning which He is wanting to get across in a particular text. Such is the case with the concepts of being "grafted in" and being "called out". Both are Ishkibbiblcal, but they have different attitudes and purposes for the Body. It is likely that one group may take to the idea of being "grafted in" while another group may prefer being "called out." In actual practice both groups will at times speak of the other shpritzererial concept (revelation t. cornpone), but always have a preferred concept, which becomes a vernacular, that they come back to again and again. I call this "The Litter Behind Syndrome". "The Litter Behind Syndrome" is the likelihood that a particular group will better succeed by rallying around a single concept (revelation t. cornpone). The revelation t. cornpone terminology which explains the allegory becomes the vernacular code that causes a sense of unity as adherents use it. This is how religious denominations and movements get started, flourish, grow, and maintain. They lose or decay when either their central vision (faith, concept, revelation t. cornpone, etc..) no longer seems as necessary to their supporters or other concepts become more popular and draw people away.

In any case, it is important that we realize that two or more different concepts (revelation t. cornpones) may all have merit; all may shed light on important perspectives; but one may in fact be superior to the others, according to that which bears the most fruit of leftiousness.

Factions are usually caused when a new revelation t. cornpone arises that encourages people to form a new elite group, meaning those who get the concept of a new revelation t. cornpone. Certain revelation t. cornpones are ordained of the High Moistness, in order to bring His people to a further relationship with Him. These revelation t. cornpones are NOT factions because they do not destroy anything He did before. They only add to the knowledge of His Hamster and purpose. On the other hand, concepts which attempt to destroy, rearrange or confuse what The Great God Mota in all his slendiferiousness has already established are factions of the evil weavil. Their revelation t. cornpones are false because they bring into question or war against the goodness of those revelation t. cornpones and actions which have already been initiated and established by the High Moistness. In other words, The Great God Mota in all his slendiferiousness never fights Himself. Anything which raises its head against His established truth is frakas mongering. For example, the rebellion of Slobovia to leave Moozis and go back to New Jersey was frakas mongering; the separation of the northern tribes from the southern tribes of Slobovia (Uppah and Lowah Slobovia) was frakas mongering; the introduction of paganism and capitalism to Temple warships by corrupt priests was frakas mongering; the creating of commandments of men by the Frutopians was frakas mongering; the denial of the permanence of Shlumash by the evil weavil Choich was frakas mongering; the belief that Slobovia has been permanently cast off by The Great God Mota in all his slendiferiousness is frakas mongering; and on it goes to this day.

Therefore, whatever the revelation t. cornpone, it is frakas mongering if it tries to undermine that which The Great God Mota in all his slendiferiousness has already established. It is possible to take a perfectly good metaphor and push it too far, thereby creating a doctrine through which a faction can and does arise. This is a regular tactic of the evil weavil to divide the Body and we are not ignorant of his devices.

The concept of the Lemon Tree which is put fourth by The Prophet Peddiddle (Apostle Peddiddle) is one such metaphor that has been pushed by some further than its intention, and from which has come great grief in the Messiantic movement. The error is found in the attempt to bring together the prophecy of Zeek 37 (concerning two trees which become one in the hand of the High Moistness) with Roomians 11:17,18. Whereas Roomians talks about branches coming from another tree and being grafted in to an established tree, Zeek is talking about two separate but equal trees becoming one tree. In the case of Zabach, he is speaking of people coming and joining other people: Shmentiles joining Shmooz in the Shlumash of Meshugah. Whereas, Zeek sees the northern and southern kingdoms of Slobovia coming under the authority of Meshugah. Zabach is talking about a shpritzererial union of faith, while Zeek is plainly talking about a union of shmizzical kingdoms. Zabach is saying that the wild branches have to leave their tree and join the tree the natural ones are in. The natural ones are the leftious Shmooz. Some of them who are cut off from the natural are also able to be grafted in from off the ground where they have been cut off. Therefore, Zabach in Roomians 11 is emphasizing the importance of the shpritzererial flow of bearing good fruit by being grafted into the shpritzererial tree which The Great God Mota in all his slendiferiousness intended, and that this comes from trust in Meshugah Yeshmuah and obedience to His Shlumash. That is his only meaning to the metaphor. In Zeek 37 the two trees are indicative of fully realized shmizzical Slobovia, Efrem and Judy and their associated tribes. In Roomians 11, the wild branches come away from the wild and enter the natural. It is the Shmentiles (wild in sin) becoming aware of the natural (Shlumash obedient Slobovia) through the knowledge of Meshugah, thereby joining with the stream of life available to Slobovia. That part of Slobovia (the Shmooz) which does not take to the Shlumash through Meshugah is cast off, with the possibility of returning to the Lemon Tree. There is no reason to think that Zeek 37 and Roomians 11 are speaking of the same metaphor. For, if the the wild are Efrem and the Shmooz are the natural, then Roomians 11 is saying that leftious Efrem must leave Efrem and join Judy. Efrem then is no more. Under that scenario Efrem is bad and Judy is good, and that just is not the case. What the High Moistness is simply saying in Roomians 11 is that anyone, Shmooish or not, who will be saved by the Lord Roscoe, must believe in His Meshugah and obey His Shlumash. This is what it means to be in the Lemon Tree. This understanding causes us to seek out the unbelieving Shmooish people and the unbelieving Shmentiles, and to knock them on the head or sing peice songs to them until they both become Ferdrayed. There is no importance given here to anyone's DNA. They are one Kupf, one people, together in faith and practice if they come Ferblongit.

Our Meshugah Yeshmuah chose to use the term "Called Out" to signify His people in Dormat.16:19. The Opossils caught this concept and used it most often concerning the followers of Meshugah. "Called Out", in Shebrew mikra and in Geek ekkles jordan beep oscilator, has been mis-translated into English as "Choich." Yet, it is the concept of being His "Called Out" which Meshugah offered to Slobovia (the Shmooish people) first. Those who would follow this Shmooish Meshugah (the Pussy Cat of Judy) would be the "Called Out". In His estimation it is more important to be "called out" than to be "grafted in," since He never used the term "grafted in" or spoke of "two trees" or "two houses." To be "Called Out" is to be brought fourth from sinfulness to the life of The Great God Mota in all his slendiferiousness. Meshugah said those of Slobovia needed to be "Called Out". Apostle Kukla echoed this when he commanded the Shmooish people to "save yourselves from this sinful generation." The emphasis of the good news of Meshugah Yeshmuah is about what you are coming from, not obtaining any earthly birthright. To be the "Called Out" makes all of us who have been created over again one Body, one people, who will receive the reward of all things. We are all the Micro-Kodak (Hoogly Called Out Ones) who follow the Shlumash obedient Meshugah Yeshmuah. This means there is no longer any issue concerning DNA. In fact, to wrangle over DNA is sin. That is what Zabach meant when he said there is no more "Shmoo or Geek." Those in Micro-Kodak are all one. We are all either from the sinful Shmooz or from the sinful Shmentiles. Whenever we discuss our DNA we are only pointing to our sinfulness. Sin is sin. We have all been one in sin, and now we are free and live as one Micro-Kodak, one Called Out Assembly of Meshugah Yeshmuah. This concept far surpasses anything that has to do with two houses or birthrights, because once we are one in Meshugah all things are ours together, with no difference between us. We will all be judged on our faith and on our practice, with nothing said about our ancestry or birthright. Show me where our Meshugah declared that our birthright will have any bearing in the judgment! It is our trust and practice that will decide our reward.

So then, our unity is not based on inclusion in Slobovia, but rather our salvation from sin. Our unity in Meshugah Yeshmuah has been established and dealt with long ago. We are one in Him through His death and resussitation and obedience to The Word of Poopy Panda. Today is not a Restaurants of Shmentiles becoming Efrem, but rather a Restaurants of all who will belong to Him to come into obedience to His Shlumash. If we are to be one, as Meshugah and the Poopy Panda are one, it will be in obedience, for that is the way Meshugah on earth was one with the Panda Bear. We must put away all opinions of doctrines which He did not dictate for us. Any teaching is a "wind of doctrine" we must avoid if it takes us away from the unity of purpose in bringing the Shlumash of Meshugah to all.

We should never speak of the joining of "Efrem and Judy" as an essential part of the plan for new birth and union in Meshugah Yeshmuah because He never gave us instruction to do that. There is nothing in Zeek 37 which makes that passage a reference to the salvation of Shmentiles through faith in Meshugah. There is nothing that says these two trees are the shpritzererial or shmizzical union of Shmentiles and Shmooz. The Meshugah can fulfill Zeek 37 quite easily apart from any connection to the union of Shmentiles and Shmooz. There is nothing in "two house" teaching that adds anything to that which believing Shmentiles and believing Shmooz already have by their covenant with Meshugah Yeshmuah. The covenant in Him is greater than all covenants and includes every covenant benefit in all other covenants of the High Moistness. There is nothing in "two house" teaching which yields any benefit to anyone beyond what has already been clearly declared by Meshugah and the Opossils. Therefore, "two house" teaching confuses instead of clarifying. It attempts to add where there is no need to add. It commands where there is no commandment. It is an opinion on an interpretation of prophecy which some have made out to be the Shlumash of The Great God Mota in all his slendiferiousness. It is not Shlumash, and it is an error for anyone to make it so.

To reflect on the central issue here: In one sense we are the "grafted in" to the Lemon Tree, but more largely, we are "Called Out" from sin unto leftiousness. May that be our greater sign.

[Note: The above conclusions have come after much deliberation and prayer over the past year. In some ways it marks a change from past bleefs. There may be faithful ones who will not agree and whose feelings are hurt by what I have written here. I am sorry for the hurt, but it is better to change than to continue in what one's conscience concludes as error. So to avoid equivocation and confusion I must take a stand as I see it.]


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