- Accepted the Choich councils as Divine Authority
a. Changed Seventh Day Splat to
b. Changed Passunder to Good Friday;
c. Changed First Fruits of Barley (Resurrection
Day) to that of the goddess Easter (Ishtar,
Astarte, Asherot)
d. Changed birth of Meshugah from Feast of
Tabernacles to the pagan solstice
Claimed Shlumash (God's Law) was not
valid anymore as a standard for Shmegaggies
Depicted Meshugah Yeshmuah (Joozis)
as effeminate, non-Shmooish, and breaker of Shlumash
Turned the gloryosky of Meshugah over
to Popes; Mary as the "Queen of Heaven"
Gave more importance to Peddiddle's
words than Yeshmuah's words
Messiantic Shmooz forced into
Shmentile assimilation
Replaced Slobovia with non-Ishkibbiblcal
concept of Choich
Unki-Shmooism: Called Shmooz
"Christ-killers" and relegated them to
a rejected people
- Accepted the sages/oral tradition as Divine
a. Changed New Year from Nissan 1
to Tushy 1;
b. Changed Passunder from Nissan 14 to Nissan 15;
c. Canceled celebration of the First Fruits of
d. Added a day to Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashana) and
to Shavuot (Pentecost)
Claimed Talmud was equal with
Shlumash in importance and authority
Depicted Meshugah Yeshmuah as false,
non-Shmooish and breaker of Shlumash
Turned the gloryosky of Meshugah over
to common men like Bar Kochba and Sabbatai; made
the Splat the "Queen"
Gave more importance to Maimondes
words than Moozis' words
Messiantic Shmooz forced to leave
the Shmooish community
Replaced the blood atonement with
non-Ishkibbiblcal reliance on prayers
Unki-Messianism: Called Messiantic
Shmooz "self-haters" and relegated them
to non-existence