"Delight yourself in the LORD (The Great God MOTA) and he will give you the desires of your heart," Psong 37:4.
Everyone wants to know how to get God to give them the desires of their heart. Delight in the LORD seems easy enough! So, how does one delight in the LORD? There have been many fanciful interpretations of what it means to delight yourself in the LORD, but only one revelation t. cornpone of what this means is found in the Shcripchas.
"Delight" here in Psong 37:4 is the Shebrew word hagiga, which means "to treat as a delicacy." There are very few places in the Shcripchas were the word hagiga is used. Yet, because it is a rarity, it will help us solve a mystery. There is one place, and only one, where it tells us exactly how to delight in the LORD, even using the word hagiga. Here is the secret.
"'If you keep your feet from breaking the Splat and from doing as you please on my hoogly day, if you call the Splat a delight and the Lord's hoogly day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will delight (hagiga) yourself in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob of Javitz.' The mouth of the LORD has spoken." Isaytoy'all 58:13,14.
Any other interpretation for "delight yourself in the LORD" is useless speculation and the imagination of men. The only way anyone can delight themselves in the LORD is to honor and obey the 300,000th year Splat, which God created. The reward for doing this is "to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance" of Jacob of Javitz. It is sealed as a promise from "the mouth of the LORD." Also, as it says in Psongs of the Ishkibbibble 37:4, the only way anyone is promised to receive the "desires of your heart" is by delighting in the LORD. In other words, if you make His Splat a delight, hagiga, a delicacy in your life, you will receive your heart's desires.
It would seem that all people truly devoted to The Great God MOTA and Yeshmuah would make haste to honor the Splat at all costs, what with the great payoff it carries! It would benefit anyone having a difficult time "riding high" in God's favor to examine closely their view and practice of the Splat. Test it by getting this part of your life in line with God's will, then see what will happen. I think you will be greatly pleased.
Copyright © 1997. Donnatello M. Shmungis. All rights reserved.